With a Twist of Lyme

Living with Lyme Disease

Once Upon a Time, A Woman Got Lyme...

DR. Wiseass
My Reason to Blog
My Blogging Plan

About a month ago I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease.

This news did not make me happy, but it did start to explain quite a bit about my mysterious medical history.

DR. Wiseass
Before I jump in, I would first like to officially declare that I am NOT, in any way, a doctor. I don't have a medical degree, nor a Ph.D., but I am hoping that I'll one day be granted some kind of honorary hoity-toity title even if I'm already dead. I will deserve it because researching & assimilating really hard-to-understand bio-chemical & medical jargon while living with and overcoming lyme disease is probably more challenging than any medical or graduate school in these United States, nay...the world! Of course, that's just my uneducated opinion.

As for my pen name: DR. Wiseass - I will give you a brief explanation, along with the reminder in case you missed it in the first paragraph that I am NOT, in any way, a doctor.

First, my real initials are DR - which makes that part fairly easy for me to remember. (People with lyme disease generally have very "challenged" short-term memories.) Second, I find quite often, that even in spite of myself, I somehow posses a little bit of wisdom..go figure. And third, some people, upon rare ocassion, have accused me of being an ass. Now isn't that cute?


My Reason to Blog
For over half of my life I’ve been “sick”. Unfortunately, I’m still in the half of my life that’s experiencing the “sickness” so I’m not really very happy about this. My mother likes to add to my confusion by telling me that I was sick as a child as well. However, I’ve successfully blocked out most of my childhood so I can not validate this as truth. But just to satisfy my mother, I will go ahead & say “I’ve been sick most of my life.”

It’s just that I don’t recall being one of those “sick” kids - the ones who were always absent supposedly because they were ill. Or they’d come to school and constantly ask to go see the nurse, or they’d sit at their desk clearly oblivious that they had thick mucous running out of their nose. I can’t imagine they didn’t know – I’ll bet they didn’t have a tissue and they were afraid to make matters worse by using their sleeve. I remember having a feeling of disdain for those kids – like I was superior for not being afflicted with all of their various maladies.

And to all those sick kids – you know who you are (unless you’ve successfully blocked out most of your childhood) I would like to extend a heartfelt apology. I knew not what I did. I still don’t know what I did, because as I said, I’ve successfully blocked out most of my childhood….But seriously, I offer my most sincere apology if I did anything to hurt your feelings. And I’m not apologizing just because I feel the need to clear my karmic debt, but because I do know I judged you; and I’ve come to realize it is a form of cruelty to be genuinely “sick” and to be “judged” because of it.

Being “judged” is one of the many emotional components of being “sick” that really seems unnecessary and unfair. The thoughts, or rather, the realization that you are being judged by your family, your friends (if you can keep them), and society in general just adds insult to injury.

“Sick” people aren’t generally fun to be around. Hell, I don’t have fun being around me either (that is until my demented sense of humor kicks in).

It takes work to maintain a good relationship with someone whom is chronically ill for one reason or another. Most people don’t have the time nor desire to invest that must work in relationships – at least not from my experience.

That’s why I need to write - because “sick” adults need support, too. And for whatever reason, it can sometimes feel like you have a secret support system if you can share a common element of misery with others. It’s a strange, unifying factor.

My healthy husband can’t understand how it feels to be so tired that it’s hard to move. My daughter can’t comprehend at this point that the reason her mother is ranting is not because I’m angry that she’s smeared bubble gum on her glasses, but because I can’t contact the part of my brain that would tell me how to clean it off. The only idea I’m getting is SOS pad & I know that’s probably not a good idea.

I think my mother can partially understand the aches & pains that I feel in my joints & muscles since she’s starting to experience a little arthritis herself – but I can’t keep calling her at work or emailing her long passages describing how sick I’m feeling. Besides – what mother wants to hear about that on a daily basis?

I do have a few friends, even though I keep forgetting who they are…(that’s just a little brain damaged humor, and I can say that because I do, indeed, have some mild brain damage). As for my friends, it’s just too much of a drag for me to call them and cry into the phone about how depressed I am because I have no energy, I can’t figure out how to get gum off my kids’ glasses, or because I’m feeling like the good Lord gave me used body parts. Most people are just too busy with work, family, their own dramas, and the unending pursuit of that elusive thing called "happiness", to listen to my bullshit.

And the thing is, I know I’m not the only woman in the world with these symptoms feeling like I’m the only woman in the world with these symptoms! It’s lonely being “sick”.

It’s my hope in writing this chronicle – my chronicle to healing - that other lonely women & men will feel just a little less lonely, and perhaps can find a little humor, and some potentially valuable information, in the middle of their daily misery.

You know what “they” say: “Misery loves company”. Welcome to my party.


My Blogging Plan
Honestly, I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m barely considered computer literate, so I'm trying to learn as I go along. Fortunately, this software seems user-friendly so far... And realize I’m only confessing my computer inadequacies because you’re going to have to be patient with me.

With regards to this blog, I would like to distribute lots of valuable information about the disease, with lots of wonderful links. In order to do that, I’m going to have to find the links, read all the information, digest it, and then try to regurgitate it in a way most people can understand. I will be doing this in between what little housework I can manage to accomplish, in between my multiple doctor visits, my few family & social activities, and the many naps that are necessary because this damned disease comes along with unrelenting fatigue and various forms of pain (which you will come to learn). This will take time.

I started this blog because there’s more than just the physical element to being “sick” – no matter what the disease, condition, or syndrome. There’s an emotional element to being sick – especially being chronically ill. I believe there’s also a spiritual element as well. I personally have the need to address all of it – not just the physical, but the mental, emotional, and spiritual as well. This, too, will take time.

At this point, I don’t really have an outline, or even a plan. I’m just going to allow it to come forth in whatever way it does.

I’ll do my best to separate the basic scientific/medical information from the purely emotional aspects. However, as a “whole” human being, that can sometimes be challenging to do. So I trust you will forgive me for any cursing that I may occasionally interject within the information, because you will certainly understand that I, being that whole human being, can be impassioned about some of this frightening, confusing, controversial crap. As far as the purely emotional paragraphs…all I can say is “Reader – BEWARE!


9 Talking Back with DR Wiseass:

At 9:58 PM, Blogger Kicknit said...

Welcome to Blogger!

At 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's that tag line - "reach out and touch someone?" Well, you nailed it. Keep on keeping on...got ya bookmarked. Hey...and, thank you.

At 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im 21... I have been sick "most of my life" I was bitten the first time when I was 9, and in a chair for a month or more... who knows how they treated it... they can't seem to find my files! I was bitten again at 18, and now Im 21 and they are telling me again, you have lymes. I have always suspected its just been chronic, or that Lymes is like a big magnet just REELing in other ticks to get in on the fun. Basically I am at my wits end, and am so glad to have found you! Don't know how old you are, or where you come from, but basically i can relate. My boyfriends have never understood why Im lethargic or why I forget so much. My dad's nickname for me as long as I can remember has been "airhead." friends don't seem to understand I don't have as much energy or enthusiasm as they do to get in my car and drive all over creation. Im low in the friends department... I guess cause Im too busy napping. I just wanted to tell you how great it is that you are doing what you are doing. I found a lot of useful information from your site. I live on Long Island and have heard of some good doctors but never seem to find them... I think Im 4 doctors visits on my way to getting some answers. Best of luck~ I'll be writting more to you soon. You've been a savior.

At 11:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi DR!

I read a little bit on your blog and I noticed the reason for the DR which is pretty neat since my maiden name initials are DR too. I use my maiden name as my middle name so just call me DR Wiseass Lymie #2.

I'm subscribed to a Google News Alert daily email that includes Google blogs so I responded to one from Lori Smith in VA and her blog is titled Following Austen, I think. Then I read a comment YOU posted on hers and now I'm here, writing to you. Hey, what else can we do when we can't sleep in the middle of the night and the pain meds don't work like they used to?

Anyway, I wanted to comment on one thing specifically, from your post and I can't remember if it's from your blog or the comment you made in hers! Duh! I admit it, I'm brain-dead but actually that's just an excuse. I really want to write a book, just like you and Lori. I also want lots of Lymie friends :) The comment was "when you become chronically ill and no longer give a flying rat's ass about concealing your misery among friends, family...." and the next part was about church which I can't honestly say I've been to in a few years. I barely leave the house now except to go to the doc, once a month, to get my Rx's.

I've been sick for 4 yrs., live in PA, but was in VA when I got sick in May '03, and didn't get a real diagnosis until Dec '06. Also, I did all the research myself and was tested by IGeneX in CA after having my doc sign the paperwork. I still don't know if an IGeneX test result is good enough for most doctors since it's not approved by the FDA but screw the FDA. They're crooks anyway. I have Lyme, along with millions of other people, who don't even know it. This country, our doctors and our health system are SO SCREWED UP, it's just amazing.

Well, fellow Lymie, I'm getting tired. You can email me at diannevogt@roadrunner.com anytime. Don't use the gmail acct. because I created it and never use it. Keep in touch.

Dianne "R"

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Jackie said...

Dear friend,

I've browsed your pages as I search for information on POTS as I've been diagnosed with this without yet knowing what the underlying cause is. I'm getting a "special" lyme test in a couple weeks, as the "regular" one I recently had (in the ER) came up negative. So considering the other diseases that could be the cause of my illness, I'm actually hoping for lyme at this point. Your pages scared me, to be honest. I thought lyme was curable; your pages imply (i admit i didn't read them that carefully) that because yours was undiagnosed for so long, you had some permanent damage. is this right? anyway, i wish you strength and peace, and i commend you for contuing to nurture a sense of humor about your struggles. Email me if you wish at jackie.levan@comcast.net.

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Jackie said...

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At 4:21 PM, Blogger Jackie said...

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At 7:21 PM, Anonymous patti said...

First of all I am sorry you have lymes........I am going crazy and have been for 20 years and I am 37. How is treatment going? I am also a sugar addict. Can you tell me a good doctor--- granola71@juno.com

Thank you for your lifestory on here. It helps ME!!

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

I really love your blog, and I am not your mother.I was diagnosed with Lyme in February 2011. I have been on antibiotics since. I believe I have had Lyme for about 6 years before I got the diagnosis. Lymies can write me at carolyn1621@yahoo.com.



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