With a Twist of Lyme

Living with Lyme Disease

DR Wiseass is Still Alive!

Please don't go away.

I've had yet another very difficult week, actually it has seemed more like several difficult weeks that have just sort of coagulated into one nightmare experience that makes each day blur one right into the next.

I'm betting some of you lymie-asses know exactly what I mean. If you do, please feel free to share your misery and sign my damned guest book or post a pissin' comment or something!!!!! It's difficult feeling like I'm the only true lunatic around here. SHARE some of your f'ing misery...and try to make my ass laugh a little why don't ya?!!!!!

I actually have another stupid ass irrelevant post that I had intented to put on the other day, but I decided to go to the hospital instead. Some people collect stamps; some build model airplanes (probably so they can sniff the glue...); I go to the @@#$%%#@^(%*&!@%%&*) hospital. (I know you think I'm trying to be the Queen of Profanity - but there ARE some words - actually long phrases of profanity - I'm really trying to avoid saying in a public setting...because underneath all of this Lyme RAGE is a sweet, well-mannered, very spiritual woman.) STOP LAUGHING, I'M SERIOUS, DAMNIT!!!!

Anyway, I'm thinking I might need to start a new hobby. Got any damned ideas?

Believe it or not, it actually takes a lot of time to get my regular posts up so that I can get all the HTML bullshit to work so that my paragraph links actually link, and so that I can bold all the shit that I think is the most important, funny, or most stupid ass crap to read. When I'm in a lyme-fog, that task is monumental, because before 2 months ago, I didn't know what the hell HTML was, so I'm having to learn it. Is that ludicrous or what?

I'm thinking about finding a more user friendly web address. How do you feel about that, as if I care about your opinion?

Anyway, I'm currently busy trying to claw my way out of hell and return to the land of the living ...the REAL living not the land of the living dead. Been there.

For those of you whom I've not answered your email, please accept my apology, and kindly get over it. I'll answer as soon as possible. I'm in crisis mode, here, people.

As soon as I get through thrashing about in what feels like a drowning mode, & get some air back in my lungs, I'll do by best to throw whatever lifesaving apperatus I can find over in your direction...you know, whatever floats. Of course, shit floats and that's not done a whole lot for me, and I know this because I keep hearing it & getting it from 97.325% of all the doctors I've been seeing.

I'm tired now.

Hugs & kisses,
DR Wiseass

6 Talking Back with DR Wiseass:

At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey ya W-A:

Since you're doing some book-learnin' on the ol' Lyme, thought I'd do a little teaching (hell, its part of what I did before disability, much to the dismay of the parents paying the big bucks to send their girls to the nice college).

Oh yeah. Go pee.

Done? Great, let's begin. So this Camp A/B nonsense. I dunno I think both of them have some brain constipation but then I've got more appreciation for this world as a continuum.

But anyway, Camp A says that chronic Lyme is due to the immune system being stuck - that l'il ol' infection that was treated with 2-4 weeks of antibiotics sets up a cascade of nasties (a/k/a cytokines) which are helpful in the short-term when you are hacking up a lung or got snots in your sinuses, but in the long-term really F you up. As to any other cause for chronic Lyme, they stick their fingers in their ears and shout "NAW NAW NAW NAW NAW."

Now Camp B in its extreme form says that chronic Lyme is due to ongoing infection - ONLY. Those 2-4 weeks of antibiotics haven't done bupkiss and those spiroketes are floating around kicking butt making you feel like a bucket of poo. As to any other cause contributing to chronic Lyme they say, "You suck! What are you, Camp A?????"

Dura Mater thinks its a bit of both and here's why. OK, well if 2-4 weeks made everything better, antibiotics wouldn't help later on, and they sure as heck do (hey, personal experiences count!). So, Camp A in its extreme form is el wrongo grande!

And if it were chronic infection alone, (A) antibiotics for 149 weeks like some folks do would CURE 'em and (B) so many people wouldn't have those autoimmune-like symptoms caused by the nasties(e.g., cold feet like Raynauds, arthritis, dry mouth like Sjogren's), so Camp B in its extreme form is also likely to be full of horse hookies.

Probably, the infection hangs on a lot longer and tougher than Camp A thinks and at the same time, sets up those cascades of immune system nasties which just makes it all worse (contrary to Camp B's liking). So to kick Lyme butt, you gotta take some antibiotics for a while longer to kill those little spiral mothers, and you gotta take supplements and do whatever else it takes to fix the immune dysfunction (immunoglobulins, steroids if necessary but not without antibiotics, etc). Hey, this 'tweener approach is just my two cents, but ya know, I'm no dumb muffin!

So that is Lesson One for today. Next time we'll cover problems with testing. After that, you can choose lessons about neurological issues (my specialty! ya know, the thing that I got my P(iled)H(igher and)d(eeper) in), fun with the immune system, research issues (also a specialty area), and conspiracy theories that Oliver Stone would drool over.

And remember, ya get whatcha pay for, K?

Rock on,
~Dura Mater

PS - Are people giving you a hard time again about the language issues? Just tell 'em you got Tourettes Syndrome, they shouldn't make fun of peoples' disabilities, and to go F themselves!

At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh man....I must be having sympathy pains because I've been having the week (month?) from hell too. I'm sending you lots of hugs~


At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont even know what HTML tags ARE? or even what HTML is, But I want to let dr. wiseass know that she is freakin hysterical and laughing out loud this morning is the ONLY medicine that has helped me feel better in months. I will write more when I finally DO feel better, trails

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